Next Steps
As I was leaving the Team, there were numerous features that were planned and needed work on:
User Profile Page (Current Progress: Medium Fidelity): The feature is essential to both Bridger (us) and users to be part of an online community. As website owners, it will be sources of valuable user data and as for users, be able to build a network and be able to receive personalized service. In current state, we have included: name, profile picture, about paragraph, connect option, interests (bridge topics such as politics), key metrics (completed bridges, number of connections), personal links.
Gamification: Feature to motivate and engage users. Currently, it is in the research stage, as we were looking into badges, tier systems that can best suit Bridger. It is a great feature (with endless potential) as users can show off in profile and feel good as they fact-check and help re-organize the web!
Key Takeaways
Time management: Over the course of 6 month period, I personally recognized time management to be a crucial factor. There were numerous times when I spent an excessive amount of hours trying to finish a certain segment, then not having enough time to complete the next segment. This was a moment where I recognized that I need to know when to stop and move on.
Communication: With work being done remotely and team members being in different parts of the world (United States, Belgium, Canada), it was critical that we constantly communicate during meetings as well as outside of it. There were few times when parts of work could have overlapped, I worked with communication tools such as Slack, Figma, Zoom and was with great lead designers who kept me organized and progress always tracked and was able to deliver that satisfied myself and the team.
If you are interested to help unclutter the Internet, take a look at the following websites: